Wondering how Marlboro will do without me

I am a biter today.
I wouldn't get too close.
Yesterday I decided to quit smoking. I gave it a good solid year of consideration (just to make sure that there really was no merciful God who would kill before I had to endure the pain of saying goodbye to my only 30-year constant companion) and it is time.

Nevermind that I couldn't hold notes for longer than 4 counts or that going up 3 flights of stairs made me wheezy. Never mind the teeth, the wrinkles and that hideous smell. Never mind the cost and inconvenience (try air and train travel as an addicted smoker sometime for the purest study in frustration.)

Nevermind all of that. The thing that finally got me was knowing that I am not this stupid. Seriously. I am way not this stupid and I know better. I've known better for about as long as I've smoked, but I'm freaking done with it.
I'm done with you, Marlboro. I threw all your stuff on the lawn and filed a restraining order. You'd best not show up around these parts again or my uncles and brothers will find you.
Thanks for nothing.
We have nothing to discuss.

copyright 2010 yadayadayada


  1. good luck, you can do it! WE CAN do this!! (ps: love the labels, they are right on!!)

  2. Vile Marlboro, tempting good people to inhale the poison, breathe it in and want more. Sweet Marlboro, offering a step-outside when we otherwise wouldn't, granting us permission to talk to strangers who are also partaking in a step-outside. I bid adieu to Mr. Marlboro many moons ago, and never regretted it, but enjoy the sweet twinge of longing for the social interaction that it brings, the enjoyment of the "after" (after a meal, after a drink, after...). I know what it was doing to my body, and my smart finally won out over my stupid. It is the hardest step to take, but stupid shouldn't win in the end. Congratulaions, Moe.


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